Interlibrary Loan
NOTICE: ILLiad user authentication was upgraded on 01/07/20. Please use your 博彩网址大全NET ID and password to log into ILLiad. You might be presented with a new registration form. Please fill it out. Contact your ILL office if you have any questions. Thank you.
All Saint Louis University Libraries use ILLiad to enable users to place, track, and keep a history of interlibrary loan/document delivery requests from a personal online account. All transactions, including renewals, are done online. ILLiad also makes it possible to receive articles and photocopies electronically as Adobe PDF documents.
Please See Login Instructions Below
To access the main ILLiad page you will be redirected first to a library login portal as seen below.
Due to new security requirements, you may have to fill out a new user form in order for your ILLiad username to match your 博彩网址大全 username. Then please contact your ILL office to insure that your account has been updated.
Interlibrary Loan Login
- ILLiad at Pius XII Memorial Library
- ILLiad at Medical Center Library
- ILLiad at Vincent C. Immel Law Library
- ILLiad for SSM Users [exception]
To request the loan of a book not available at a 博彩网址大全 or Mobius library, complete the electronic request form. Occasionally, there will be a fee (up to $35) for borrowing a book. If a fee is required, your acceptance to pay the fee is needed before we can order this item.
You may obtain copies of articles from journals not available at Pius Library by filling out the article request form available through ILLiad. Requested articles must be from journals not currently available at Pius Library, or not available electronically through Pius Library's electronic journals or accessible databases.
Book Chapters
You may obtain copies of chapter from books not available at Pius Library. If multiple chapters are needed, request the book. Copyright prevents us from processing multiple chapter requests. To request a chapter, fill out the book chapter form available through ILLiad.
To request audio-visual material, complete the book request form available through ILLiad. These items may have shorter loan periods, no renewals, or remain at Pius Library. There may be a loan fee up to $35. If a fee is required, your acceptance to pay the fee is needed before we order this item.
Dissertations and Theses
Many colleges and universities within the US and Canada have made digitized copies of their dissertations and theses available through the database ProQuest Dissertations and Theses Full Text.
To request a dissertation or thesis not available at a 博彩网址大全 or MOBIUS library, complete the book form available through ILLiad.
Some universities loan their dissertations if they have a second copy. The format may be hardcopy, microfilm, or microfiche. There may be a loan fee up to $35. If a fee is required, your acceptance to pay the fee is needed before we can order this item.
Arrival of Materials
You generally should expect most photocopies to arrive here within three business days (Monday-Friday). Books should arrive within 14 business days.
Our preferred method is to send an email message to your email account notifying you of the arrival of your requested item, cancellation of your request, or the need of more information before we can order your item.
ILL Office
Interlibrary loan for all three libraries can be reached through the following.
- Pius XII Memorial Library: 314-977-3104 or
- Medical Center Library: 314-977-8805 or
- Vincent C. Immel Law Library: 314-977-3081 or
If you are having difficulty, please Ask a Librarian for help.